Jesse is as sly as a …
- snake
- fly
- fox
- elephant
My grandmother is as sweet as …
- vinegar
- potatoes
- a carrot
- strawberry jam
That sidewalk is as slippery as …
- a pancake
- glass
- sand
- bark
When school let out for the summer, I felt as free as a …
- bird B.
- prisoner
- dollar
- bicycle
That fence is as solid as …
- a pillow
- a rock
- fog
- an open window
Amber can run as fast as …
- the wind
- a turtle
- an elephant
- a snowstorm
The road went off into the distance as straight as …
- a cyclone
- a figure-eight
- an arrow
- a bowling ball
My mouth was as dry as …
- an ice cube
- a shower
- dust
- a river
The night was as black as …
- snow
- a sunset
- coal
- a flower
My grandfather’s mind is still as sharp as …
- an eraser
- a dull knife
- a tack
- a pillow
She seems to be as bright as … !
- a button
- glass
- a sunset
- a flower
Although he has lost some weight, he is still as strong as … .
- an ox
- fox
- snake
- elephant